(It's Been a Long Time Coming... 🎵🎹) Getting Date Quarters for Months in Python - Or "Why Date and Time Dimension Tables Exist"

Hi. It's been a while. :-) So I recently saw a question on StackOverflow called " First month of quarter given month in Python " where they were asking how to work out a date related issue in Python. There are some wonderful techincal and mathematical solutions there, but it reminded me very much of proper architecture design, especially when the project will be for a non-hobby. User jonrsharpe nailed it with his answer , IMHO. In the continued balancing act of storage space vs. compute power, a dataset will usually win over a computation. Not always, just usually. And even when it doesn't, depending on circumstances, a shared dataset is VITAL to avoid computation bugs when it is needed more than a few times, or by more than one department. It can be a lifesaver when it comes to reporting, as well as Fact-Dimension architecture or even a Data Vault architecture. Create, share, and maintain the single version of the truth. Here's a code sam...